Possible Guiding Principles for NCDD:

//(Based on the principles of engagement used for the conference)//

#We value collective thinking and decision-making. #Every member of the dialogue & deliberation community and every model, method, technique and process is a resource. #One process is not "better" than another; just more effective in certain circumstances. #We value each person*s contribution. #Explore and acknowledge our own assumptions and biases. #We recognize the value of differences and diversity of background, experience, knowledge, age, ideology, etc. and draw strength from that diversity. #Value both the process and its results. #Look both within and outside the community for guidance. #Make collective knowledge visible.

Some other ideas/examples from D&D organizations/programs:

From the Shambhala Institute:

Our activities flow out of a desire to serve the world.

Clear Seeing *Authentic leadership begins with seeing situations clearly and directly. It involves appreciating interdependence and complexity.

Learning Community *Authentic leadership fosters a culture of inquiry, appreciation, and integrity. Transformative learning occurs in an environment of creative paradox, where openness is discovered within structure, simplicity within complexity, stillness within action, and order within chaos.

Transformative Action *The activity of authentic leadership is bold, accurate, and innovative. The Institute's programs and activities impart skills that enable leaders to shift systemic dynamics in order to move towards a collective goal or vision.

From the Public Dialogue Consortium:

We think of dialogue as the ability to state your perspectives, values, and desires while remaining open to the perspectives, values, and desires of others. We think that engaging in this form of communication creates the conditions for trust and respect and opens up possibilities for enriched actions.

We value neutrality and have faith that quality dialogue and deliberation lead to effective outcomes. We are passionate about the process and not about any particular outcome.

From Let*s Talk America:

*Inclusive * all people and all perspectives welcome *Respectful * having a facilitator and ground rules assure that everyone can be heard *Open-minded - we seek to understand rather than to persuade *Connecting - we focus on what unifies rather than what divides *Safe - we encourage each person to speak and honor each perspective

Values of the International Association of Facilitators

*Inclusiveness - Including the full spectrum of personal, professional and cultural diversity in our membership and in the field of facilitation *Global Scope - Connecting and serving facilitators locally, nationally and internationally *Participation - Advocating participative methodologies that generate ownership of decisions and actions *Celebration - Celebrating life through spirit filled quality interchange, activities and events *Innovative Form - Modeling a participative and flexible organizational structure that promotes growth, change and learning *Social Responsibility - Supporting socially responsible change within private, public and voluntary organizations


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see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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