[Ncdd Wiki][Ncdd_Wiki] links mostly want to get made into [Process Arts][Process_Arts] links (hrm, do we want to rename that "Process Arts wiki"?). Some might go to [NCDDWiki][NCDDWiki]

Remove CategoryPractice, CategoryHomePage, they're Cardtype Process and Use respectively now. Are their other categories, and how do we want to deal with them?

Some pages that exist in the original wiki didn't getting imported (not in the database !?):
Technical Reports And Discussion Paper
Simulation Electronically Generated
Stakeholder Analysis
Telephone Tree

[Citizen Deliberative Council][Citizen_Deliberative_Council] - lots to fix

Things that really are wiki words:
  • Simu Real -> SimuReal
  • Video Slide -> VideoSlide (not a link)
  • Enviro Network -> EnviroNetwork (not a link)
  • News ID -> NewsID on [Citizen Jury][Citizen_Jury] (fixed?)
  • Consensus Conference1 and 2 and 3 on Consensus Conference + Resources
  • McElreath in [Delphi Study][Delphi_Study]
  • McKnight in [Asset Based Community Development][Asset_Based_Community_Development]
  • [Study Circles][Study_Circles] - squeeze Mc Coy back together and de-link it (references 3 and 4)
Keep an eye out for WikiWords just after parentheses; they didn't get spaces inserted. Same for things like --JohnAbbe - something to catch if we re-import.


Schaffer, J. and Miller, E. Eds.
de-dupe accessed 20 Dec 2002
(on [Civic Journalism][Civic_Journalism] )

Think Like AGenius - separate A Genius

Consensus Conference
#ered bullets
quotes? (weird 240 chars fixed) ask Tom

Speak Outs -> Speakouts - also, Case Study fix Comunity->Community in URL (?)

fix References breakout:


This is a living story of the Process Arts, including many particular Process. Anyone can browse; if you'd like to edit things, or add a process, you may request an account.






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  • You can open and close cards in place. Just click on ~1383/3259.png or the card name.
  • To get to the page (and web address) for a card, click on ~1709/3792.png.
  • When you're editing, to create links within the website (even to a card that doesn't yet exist), put double square brackets around some text, like this.

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If you have questions, contact the Process Arts wiki support team. We may also be online live, or you can just ask your question here and someone will answer it shortly:

see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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