Full title: How Can We Co-Create an Effective, Visionary D&D Movement?


Tom Atlee and Sandy Heierbacher convening, Miki Kashtan facilitating.


What would it take to build a D&D movement that created increasing public and official demand for all types of D&D; convinced more and more funders of the value of D&D as a tool for social benefit; helped D&D people - not only practitioners, scholars and activists, but also D&D consumers and participants - find, learn from, and work with each other; helped such people co-create a "D&D Commons" - resources they could all use - from databases and trainings, to marketing tools and evaluation instruments; and ultimately catalyzed a culture of dialogue that expected and used D&D in all sectors and levels of society? We'll start out with a brainstorm around "What questions do we need to ask to accomplish the purpose of this session?" and then proceed with open facilitated dialogue. Results from this workshop will be posted on the NCDD wiki for further development.


An MP3 of this session: http://sandhi.org/EffectiveVisionaryDDMvmt.mp3


Some inquiries at the outset:


How to grow the movement & keep integrity?


How to connect (articulate value of, tell a compelling story of) D&D to everyone? (larger culture, consumers, funders)


How to bring together strands of field, make group(s), gain resources to take more action on some of our visions?


How to connect local D&Ders to local issue folks, and together to larger D&D movement and story to everyone


Movement? does that mean an agenda and an enemy?


D&D critical for us to survive/thrive


Learning about D&D




content -> context


coalition / national conversations


Allowing emergence


Being whole


Funders - usually we focus on getting our own project funded. Could approach them collectively, offer them experience that would help them 'get' this field.


What does the movement want? Not as simple as 'equal rights for women'


(or is it?)


We want people to talk together instead of using violence


- talk & action - difficult sometimes to convey the value of conversation


communication is action, action is communication

(there's a whole section on this duality below...)

(Sandy's q: How to keep moving forward after the conference?)


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead


How do we get people's commitment (Tom called attention to that word's presence in the famous Margaret Mead quote):


Local groups (e.g. Katie Howard organized a northern California D&D gathering)


Having a specific purpose


Awareness of when we're 'full' enough to offer energy to an effort


Let's not support a community of process, but a community of common intent -


community can sense together and help shape emergence


Missing pieces?


How to help people connect about their different models (even when there's attachment)? one idea, NCDD training program - exposure to models


Geeks - Extreme Democracy, Extreme Programming and other Agile Processes






Ally organizations?


Conversations among parts, among parts and whole - D&D is our whole, how do we get it to emerge in a way that the parts can converse with the whole?


Coalition-wide project, regional projects


What does it mean for the whole to become consciousness? (self-awareness?) and what can we do to further this?


What is the value added of the whole becoming conscious? (feedback loops from as-whole outcomes to the parts)


What do we want to ask of the whole?




of D&D


of the groups we work with


of all people, the whole universe


transparency rather than fake objectivity


Reframing of what it means to be human, our story of how the world works.


...by coming together (D&D) to make a new meaning


Some inquiries alive at the end:


how to have more wholeness/inclusion within the D&D community, and in the work it does out in the world?


How to stimulate a sense of 'we' ?


A duality we played with:


Talk and Action Listen and Doing Reflection and Impact Being and Results Inquiry and ? Process and Content Being and Doing


Some 'bridge' words: trust insight understanding inspiration relationship cooperation collaboration meaning practice collective intelligence



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see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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