Participation level:
- Medium (Opinions noted)
- Low (Information only)
Innovation level:
- Low (Traditional)
Facilitator skill level, and other support required:
- High (Specialist skills)
- Medium (Computer & other expertise)
- Low (No special skills)
Can be used for:
- Showcase product, plan, policy
- Discover community issues
- Communicate an issue
Displays and exhibits use drawings, maps, models or audio representations of community issues and interests to inform the community, and to help to engage community members in the process of planning and decision-making about an event, proposal or issue.
Displays and exhibits develop more concrete concepts of proposals or developments, and, where these provide options for interaction, provide public opinions and feedback that can be incroporated into the planning and decision-making process.
- Focuses public attention on an issue.
- Can create interest from media groups and lead to increased coverage of the issue.
- Allows for different levels of information sharing.
- Provides a snapshot of opinions and community issues based on feedback.
- Public must be motivated to attend.
- Needs a facilitator to encourage involvement and written feedback.
- Can damage the project's reputation if not done well.
Organizing Display Or Exhibit
How many people to organize?
- Large (> 12 people)
- Medium (2-12 people)
- Individual
Time required:
- Long (> 6 months)
- Medium (6 weeks-6 months)
- High (> AUD$10,000)
- Medium (AUD$1,000-AUD$10,000)
- Low (< AUD$1,000)
- Select a date and venue that will encourage the greatest number of participants to attend (generally weekends or public holidays/shopping centres or malls/public spaces).
- Arrange for a number of displays/exhibits to give details of the event/issue.
- Place the display/exhibit in a well-populated public space where those most affected by the issue/event are likely to pass by.
- Advertise and publicise the event with emphasis on the issue to be considered. Advertise times when display/exhibit will be open.
- Provide adequate staffing and consider the employment of volunteers.
- Consider duty of care and insurance issues.
- Allow adequate time for setting up.
- On the day, ensure that coordinators circulate to facilitate participation and answer questions.
- Collate feedback and publish results.
A community event intended to provide project information and raise awareness about particular issues. Displays can be interactive, and can be used as part of a forum, workshop, exhibition, conference or other event. Displays and exhibits can include feedback opportunities such as blank sheets with one-line questions, and can include drawings, models, posters, or other visual and audio representations relevant to community issues and interests. Interactive displays can include 'post-it' ideas boards, maps for people to make their most and least favourite buildings or spaces, and flipcharts or blank posters for comments and questions.
This page originally copied with permission from the Citizens Science Toolbox