What are the simple (perhaps profoundly so) practices that nearly anyone in the field of dialogue and deliberation needs to understand, use, and promote in order to be successful? These are seldom particular methodologies (e.g. [Open Space][Open_Space], [Bohmian Dialogue][Bohmian_Dialogue], etc.), but are the "building blocks" of good communication, group process, [facilitation][facilitation], etc. Let us here explore what we think these are, and expand our understanding of them.

[Active Listening][Active_Listening] - This includes paying attention to what people say, and to the underlying emotional and thematic subtexts of what they say. Often it includes [Reflective Listening][Reflective_Listening] or [Mirroring][Mirroring] in which the listener says back to the speaker what the listener heard - both the explicit and the implicit (subtext) meaning. This helps the speaker feel heard and, once they feel heard, they let down their barriers and aggressiveness and can more join in the flow of inquiry and co-creativity.

[Develop Trust][Develop_Trust] - Participants must feel safe in order to contribute to the group.

[Go Meta][Go_Meta] - Try to notice when there is something important happening - about the dynamics in the moment, not totally unrelated - that the group might benefit from attending to.

[Be Clear About Intention][Be_Clear_About_Intention] - Be clear in yourself, hold the highest good as outcome, and do solid planning in order to reach specific goals.

[Follow The Energy][Follow_The_Energy] - Tune in to what is alive for participants; try to anticipate what the energy curve is likely to be to do good planning ahead, but be open to making shifts in the moment if needed.

Be fully Present - Cultivate awareness of what is. . . .

[Suspend Assumptions][Suspend_Assumptions] - to use Bohm's term. This doesn't mean giving up assumptions, but rather suspending them in the open so all can see them. This is a valuable way to understand what is behind a set of words and leads to deeper understanding and shared inquiry.

[Tell The Truth][Tell_The_Truth] with full compassion.

[Speak From Your Experience][Speak_From_Your_Experience] - Ask permission before giving feedback. Own our experience.

[Invite Inquiry][Invite_Inquiry] - as opposed to requesting answers.

The problem with [Trying To Educate People][Trying_To_Educate_People]


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see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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