Participation level:

  • Medium (Opinions noted)

Innovation level:

  • Low (Traditional)

Facilitator skill level, and other support required:

  • High (Specialist skills)

Can be used for:

  • Showcase product, plan, policy
  • Engage community
  • Discover community issues
  • Communicate an issue

Focus groups aim to discover what are the key issues that are of concern for selected groups. Discovering these issues can help determine which of a number of options is the preferred way forward, or to determine what are the concerns that would prevent a proposal going ahead. The focus group may also be undertaken to discover preliminary issues that are of concern in a group or community, and on which to base further research or consultation.

Focus groups should deliver detailed knowledge of the issues that concern a specific demographic or community. (See Case Study: Gold Coast Citizen Committee.pdf).


  • Highly applicable when a new proposal is mooted and little is known of community opinions.
  • Can be used to develop a preliminary concept of the issues of concern, from which a wider community survey may be undertaken.
  • Can be used for limited generalisations based on the information generated by the focus group.
  • Particularly good for identifying the reasons behind people's likes/dislikes.
  • Produces ideas that would not emerge from surveys/questionnaires, because the focus group allows opportunity for a wider range of comments.

  • Such small groups may not be representative of the community response to an issue.
  • May be confronting for some to be open about their opinions depending on how well people know one another.
  • People must be able to operate within their comfort zones.
  • Requires careful selection to be a representative sample (similar age range or status etc.).
  • Skilled facilitators should be hired.


Organizing Focus Group

How many people to organize?

  • Medium (2-12 people)
  • Individual

Time required:

  • Long (> 6 months)
  • Medium (6 weeks-6 months)


  • Low (< AUD$1,000)

  • Randomly select 6 to 10 people affected by or interested in the community issue to make up the focus group.
  • Book venue and arrange catering if meeting goes across a meal time.
  • Hire a facilitator.
  • Prepare preliminary questions.
  • Send reminders to participant with time, date, venue and questions.
  • Brief participants and the facilitator on the aims and objectives of the session.
  • Establish ground rules: keep focused; maintain momentum, get closure on questions (see Mc Namara reference).
  • Encourage shy participants if they feel anxious about revealing their opinions/feelings.
  • Engage a co-facilitator to record issues raised by individuals (may use audio, audio/visual, and/or written notes).
  • De-brief the participants and the facilitator.
  • Compile a report of proceedings for the organisers, and offer a copy to the participants.




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see where we are also listing similar practices

  --Michel Bauwens (Not signed in).....Sun Jan 31 00:53:33 -0800 2010

The Bohm Dialogue, especially Collective Reflection has significance for me in terms of artistic critique and dialogue.

If one wanted to connect this to Jungian thought I'd relate to that.

  --Srule Brachman (Not signed in).....Mon May 21 17:09:16 +0000 2012





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