Karl Steyaert
What he offered as strengths/roles re CII:
doing social networking, fundraising
research/curriculum development (stacking with work he's already doing)
He's got a Global Dialogue Project about people traveling and organizing conversations -
http://www.circlesofwisdom.org/global.htmpossible board member or at least associate
available for the one hour/week support role
Rosa Zubizaretta
Interested to be in a support role (about one hour/week) to a CII project.
What's the difference between co-intelligence and conscious evolution?
Sent an e-mail to Tom re phoenix project; never heard back
Would like to get dynamic facilitation more out there. Could get very interested in using Wisdom Councils/Creative Insight Conversations (WC but on a given topic) as a tool to make visible that very diverse groups of people can connect and do creative work together on difficult issues, that such issues are an opportunity.
Most interested in this culture shift about what people is possible about talking/working together.
Elliot Shuford
Met Brandon Sanders, good connection
Going to introduce John to Michael White in Eugene, good contact in general and might be into wiki
Associate - yes
Support/coach network (about one hour/week) - yes
Brandon WilliamsCraig
CII - Strongly interested, wants to play with us, frustrated that we're not closer (he's in Bay Area). Associate yes, board - interested.
Process wiki:
Writing - yes (doing anyway)
Social networking - strong yes but later
Talking - yes and sooner
Support/coach network (about one hour/week) - forgot to ask explicitly